PFAS disposal , Orange County CA

Where are PFAS found?
Cleaning products.
Water-resistant fabrics, such as rain jackets, umbrellas and tents.
Grease-resistant paper.
Nonstick cookware.
Personal care products, like shampoo, dental floss, nail polish, and eye makeup.
Stain-resistant coatings used on carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics.

Disposal? Starts with testing and a proper profile completed , contact ewastedisposal inc got more information .

Republic Services provides a variety of solutions to safely isolate the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) molecule and compliantly manage your PFAS-contaminated waste, including secure PFAS disposal at Subtitle C landfills (some with arid climate availability), underground injection well disposal, thermal treatment, carbon filtration and more.

Technology and Expertise
With over 70 years of experience providing environmental solutions throughout North America, Republic Services is proud to be the industry leader with the technology and expertise to address your PFAS hazardous waste needs and achieve compliance.

Our teams of experts work closely with federal and state regulators to assess the evolving regulatory framework surrounding PFAS management and develop solutions to protect the environment from PFAS contaminants, also known as the “forever chemical”.
We provide safe, viable and permanent PFAS waste disposal options customized to fit your needs and stop additional future contamination.
Our Capabilities
RCRA Subtitle C, secure PFAS disposal, including arid climate with zero leachate discharge at our western U.S. landfills
Subtitle D disposal
Underground injection well disposal for liquid and liquid phase waste
Thermal, carbon filtration, ion exchange or resin filtration systems capable of meeting water quality standards set by local POTWs
Turnkey PFAS remediation, transportation and additional waste disposal solutions
fire foam
Comprehensive Remediation Solutions
With significant federal funding available for site remediation of PFAS-contaminated soils through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Republic Services partners with environmental engineering and consulting firms to mitigate risk and provide expert project management.

We are committed to providing sustainable and innovative solutions to manage and safely dispose of PFAS-contaminated waste.

Our unequaled customer service combined with the integrity of our team has earned Republic Services the trust and confidence of government, private sector and engineering firms.
We manage remediation projects from start to finish and offer turnkey environmental services and disposal packages.

Long-Term Secure Disposal Options
Republic Services’ disposal sites in Grand View, ID and Beatty, NV offer the securities of RCRA Subtitle C landfill design and construction with the added natural protections of being in remote desert locations with negative amounts of annual net precipitation and extremely low humidity. Both facilities are strategically located in states that highly support the operations as necessary assets for environmental cleanup projects throughout the country.

Republic Services Beatty and Grand View Subtitle C disposal cells meet the following required design criteria:

Double or triple synthetic liners
Multiple leachate collection and removal systems
Leak detection systems
Run on, runoff, and wind dispersal controls
Construction quality assurance program

The design, construction and quality assurance requirements of Subtitle C landfills offer the most stringent performance capabilities to prevent waste from impacting the environment. As a result, disposing of PFAS-contaminated waste in Republic Services’ arid climate landfills effectively ends the mobility cycle and stops future contamination.