Mass Containment Soil Mitigation

Rule 1166

Site Specific and Various Locations Soil Mitigation Plan

Rule 1166 – Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Decontamination of Soil, requires that an approved mitigation plan be obtained from eWaste Disposal prior to commencing any of the following activities:

  • Rule 1166 - Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Decontamination of Soil (PDF)
    download ----- Click Here >>>
  • The excavation of an underground storage tank or piping which has stored volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • The excavation or grading of soil containing VOC material including gasoline, diesel, crude oil, lubricant, waste oil, adhesive, paint, stain, solvent, resin, monomer, and/or any other material containing VOCs.
  • The handling or storage of VOC-contaminated soil [soil which registers >50 parts per million (ppm) or greater using an organic vapor analyzer (OVA) calibrated with hexane] at or from an excavation or grading site.
  • The treatment of VOC-contaminated soil at a facility.

Site Specific Plan

The Site Specific plan is designed for larger excavations and/or projects involving the handling/transportation of VOC-contaminated soils. Typical activities conducted under a Site Specific plan include:

Applying for a Plan

To apply for a Site Specific mitigation plan, complete the following forms:

400-A Form & Instructions Downloads

400-CEQA Form & Instructions Downloads

Submit the completed forms with a check to eWaste Disposal in the amount specified in Rule 306 to:

eWaste Disposal
Attention: Permit Services
1048 Irvine Blvd #1069
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Site Specific Plan Terms

  • Shall be issued for specific locations for a period not to exceed two years.
  • Shall not be renewable.

Various Locations Plan

The Various Location Plan is designed for contractors that conduct, on a regular basis, smaller scale excavations at facilities that have stored, dispensed, or handled materials that contain VOCs. Unlike the Site Specific Plan, the Various Locations Mitigation Plan allows the plan holder to operate at multiple sites under a single plan. This type of plan allows multiple copies of the original to be made and used at “various locations” based on the needs of the plan holder. Typical activities and limitations conducted under a Various Locations plan include:

Applying for a Plan

To apply for a Various Locations mitigation plan, complete the following forms:

400-A Form & Instructions Downloads

Submit the completed forms with a check to eWaste Disposal in the amount specified in Rule 306 to:

eWaste Disposal
Attention: Permit Services
1048 Irvine Blvd #1069
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Various Locations Plans Terms

  • Shall expire after one year from issuance unless renewed.


Thomas Abercrombie
eWaste Disposal, Inc
Orange County Location:
1048 Irvine Blvd #1069
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Los Angeles Location:
13037 Lakeland Road, Suite F
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

Ph: 949-466-8857

EPA #CAL000310168, Calif DVBE #46015
DTSC Hazardous Waste Transporter #5948
NPI #1952744674
Public Works Contractor #1000012499
NAICS Code #811310