a procedure 5 is a mandatory cleanup of disturbed asbestos . Here an entire attic needs decontamination to control the release of asbestos throughout the home TOP 20 ASBESTOS QUESTIONS 1. How do I know if I have asbestos in my home (in floor tile, ceiling tile, shingles, siding, etc.)? The only way to be...Read More
Nicotine waste is a “P” category RCRA waste that requires special handling for transportation and disposal . We at eWaste Disposal will manifest, profile, transport and dispose of this nicotine oil and waste rags in the proper fashion for clients in all of the western United States . 7BA11213-48ED-43AB-B273-15F9F1BA1226 602C9097-6345-464D-A051-E7ABC1B68430Read More
Drum disposal is a unique disposal requirement, whether it be nicotine waste, expired products, oil, contaminated soil or cuttings from job site ewastedisposal.net will arrange the proper transportation, profiling and disposalRead More
Procedure 5 Plans are required to clean-up any disturbed Asbestos Containing Materials, but not limited to: • Clean-up of any Associated Disturbance1 of Asbestos Containing Material – R1403(d)(1)(C)(ii)(V), • Removal of asbestos using an alternative combination of techniques and/or engineering controls – R1403(d)(1)(D …Read More
Sometimes cabinets or shelves are built over accoustic ceiling and aren’t visible until new owner starts remodeling , then there it is! TOP 20 ASBESTOS QUESTIONS 1. How do I know if I have asbestos in my home (in floor tile, ceiling tile, shingles, siding, etc.)? The only way to be sure whether a...Read More
Asbestos and mold are identified as dangerous materials found in many homes in Southern California . Once identified by a licensed Hygentist such as Magnolia environmental , an asbestos firm can safely and responsibly remove . Any additional info can me found at www.ewastedisposal.netRead More
Old flue pipe or asbestos vent pipes are in mzz as my older homes throughout Southern California , when it’s time upgrade your HVAC system or just want a know hazardous waste properly removed , call a professionalRead More
Ducts maybe asbestos , the only way to tell positively is to get testing , once identify , get a licensed firm to remove the asbestos. TOP 20 ASBESTOS QUESTIONS 1. How do I know if I have asbestos in my home (in floor tile, ceiling tile, shingles, siding, etc.)? The only way to be...Read More
When asbestos , lead. Mold or other hazardous waste are generated , that waste needs to be disposed of by a licensed transporter to an approved facility , ewastedisposal, inc transport hazardous material all over Los Angeles and Orange County for residential and commercial clients Transite Pipe RemovalRead More
when asbestos is verified by a licensed Hygentist, the remediation company takes dust control very seriously and wraps the rooms they will be working in , in a 6mm plastic yo contain any asbestos fibers from escaping which could contaminate the area not wrapped. TOP 20 ASBESTOS QUESTIONS 1. How do I know if I...Read More