Why Is Asbestos Abatement Important? If damaged asbestos-containing materials are not properly removed by an asbestos abatement company, they can endanger your life and the lives of others who come into contact with asbestos dust, fibers or raw asbestos materials. Read More
Asbestos Removal The only true alternative to asbestos is abatement. Having it removed avoids the dangers of asbestos entering into your breathing air supply. You can find a company certified to remove asbestos. These technicians set up containment areas. They wear protective gear and goggles and use an air filtration system to purify the air...Read More
Best Way to Get Rid of Used Needles and Other Sharps Step 1: Place all needles and other sharps in a sharps disposal container immediately after they have been used. This will reduce the risk of needle sticks, cuts, and punctures from loose sharps. … Step 2: Dispose of used sharps disposal containers according to...Read More
Whether you need an asbestos duct abatement, or just a standard duct removal, the old stuff needs to be removed. ? If asbestos ( after testing) Once this is completed, then you can contract with your HVAC team to replace with more efficient ducting, We coordinates with your schedule to make sure this removal process...Read More
Oil-based paint is more durable, but it takes longer to dry, and cleanup requires turpentine or paint thinner (mineral spirits). Oil-based paints are made with either alkyd (synthetic) or linseed (natural) oils. Alkyd paint is more common because it is less expensive and tougher. Oil-based paint is good for trim work because trim takes more...Read More
Bio Waste / Sharps Our wide array of safe and compliant sharps containers allows you to choose the best management method that reduces problems in your environment and can be managed with your biohazardous or “red bag” wastes for disposal. Ask us how……Read More
Asbestos Pipe Removal Pipe break rates are one indicator of the condition of water pipes in a distribution network. A study showed U.S. break rates for AC pipe at 35/100 miles/year, an increase of 43 percent over the past 6 years, AC pipe break rates are also significant and are increasing dramatically (the same...Read More