Soil contamination or soil pollution as part of land degradation is caused by the presence of xenobiotics chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals or improper disposal of waste.Wikipedia People also search for: Air pollution, Water pollution, Pollution, Radioactive contamination, Acid rain, Contaminated soils...Read More
Disturbed asbestos ducts are a problem. Asbestos fibers are free to circulate and will attach to soft areas in and around a home. This usually requires a procedure 5 clean up to correctRead More
Many times in a remodel there is one or multiple transite pipes that need to be removed and transported to a licensed facility , this is the case for this homeowner in Santa Ana CA who contracted with Tesla Corp for a new roofRead More
By Kevin Wallis June Gloom. May Gray. Uninspiring terms that Southern California surfers and coastal residents are all too familiar with. For the uninitiated, low clouds or fog frequently blankets the SoCal coast in the spring and summer months. Along with a monochromatic sky, these events can drop the coastal temps 10 to 20...Read More