Disturbed asbestos ducts are a problem. Asbestos fibers are free to circulate and will attach to soft areas in and around a home. This usually requires a procedure 5 clean up to correctRead More
Many times in a remodel there is one or multiple transite pipes that need to be removed and transported to a licensed facility , this is the case for this homeowner in Santa Ana CA who contracted with Tesla Corp for a new roofRead More
Ducts may be made of asbestos material or be wrapped with asbestos material. Determining how safe asbestos ducting depends on several factors. ACM stands for Asbestos Containing Material ( Material containing 1% or more of asbestos) Asbestos ducts; basically two types 1. Metal ducts wrapped with ACM 2. Ducts that are made of ACM’s Metal...Read More
Every time you flush your toilet you use the City of Los Angeles’ sewage treatment infrastructure. But what exactly happens to that waste once it enters the sewer system and where does it go? Those are just a few of the questions that I sought to answer when I arranged a tour of the Bureau...Read More