Bio Waste Medical Services Ewaste Disposal Inc. based in Newport Beach, California offers medical and hospital waste disposal services in Southern California according to their website [1]. Their website lists bio waste and medical waste, they have a specific location in Long Beach.Read More
BioHazardous Waste Categories There are 4 general categories of biohazardous wastes based on the physical form of the waste. Each form must be segregated, identified, decontaminated and disposed of in an appropriate manner for the form in order to minimize occupational exposure and environmental release risks. Biohazardous waste in any form should not be left...Read More
Medical waste picked up without contract I recommend checking with local waste management services , ewaste disposal at 949-466-8857 for information on licensed medical waste disposal providers in your area. They can guide you to reputable services that adhere to proper regulations. Bio Waste Medical ServicesRead More
Important Note: Asbestos is a hazardous material and disturbing it can release harmful fibers into the air. If you suspect you have asbestos pipes in your home or property, do not attempt to remove them yourself. Always contact a licensed and certified asbestos abatement contractor like eWaste Disposal Inc. for safe and proper removal and...Read More
on Ewaste Disposal inc is a licensed disposal company, call for free quote 949-466-8857 Medical waste disposal and e-waste disposal are two different processes with separate regulations and requirements. While there may be some overlap in the types of facilities that can handle both types of waste, it’s important to distinguish between the two. Medical...Read More
eWaste Disposal, Inc. identifies the following types of hazardous waste: Asbestos Mold Lead Transite pipe Bio waste Sharps Needles Pathogens Blood All hazardous waste In addition, eWaste Disposal, Inc. also identifies the following types of electronic waste as hazardous waste: Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) Fluorescent lamps Mercury devices Non-empty aerosol cans It is important to...Read More
Bio waste and medical waste are two types of regulated waste that must be disposed of properly to protect public health and the environment. Ewaste Disposal Inc. is a licensed and insured waste management company that offers bio waste and medical waste disposal services to businesses and organizations in California. Bio waste includes any biological...Read More