Bio Waste Medical Services

Medical Bio Waste

Pick-up and Disposal Services

A trusted bio waste medical service, providing medical waste pick-up and disposal services,
giving highest priority to protect people and the environment.

eWaste’s bio waste medical services include the following:

  • Medical Waste Disposal
  • Sharps, red bag, pathology, pharmaceutical and chemo waste disposal
  • Courteous and friendly drivers & customer support
  • Clear and concise invoices
  • Scheduled pick-ups
  • Medical waste supplies
  • Free Policy and Procedure Manuals for large and small quantity generators
  • Free state and federal approved containers
  • Free OSHA approved biohazardous signs
  • Free set-up of new customers
  • Free in-house training
eWaste Disposal, Inc

Waste Handling Procedures

EWD is a fully licensed hazardous and biohazardous waste transporter. We will provide you with all required documentation which you must maintain for your records. We will make all required reports to the state. All containers supplied by EWD meet regulatory requirements.

Generators are responsible for proper segregation, packaging, and labeling of waste. The following are procedures that must be followed in order for both generator and transporter to maintain compliance with all applicable regulations. Improperly packaged container or unacceptable waste may be denied or returned to the generator and there will be a fee charged for improper packaging. Please call our office if you wish to receive more detailed information on these regulations.


  •  Sharps: Any object that is potentially contaminated or may become contaminated with bloodborne pathogens which can penetrate the skin or red bag
  • Includes but is not limited to needles, scalpels, slides, capillary tubes, broken glass, and dental wire
  • Must be placed in a sharps container (a rigid puncture-resistant container that, when sealed, is leak resistant and cannot be reopened)
  • Container must be kept upright at all times
  • Containers must be closed and locked when they become ¾ full (most containers have a full mark)
  • May not be transferred from one container to another
  • Sharps containers that are not closeable or have needles protruding may not be transported
  • Sharps in a red bag without being in a sharps container will not be removed from your facility
  • Non-sharps medical waste, mercury, extracted teeth, hazardous waste, and pharmaceuticals may not go in a sharps container
  • Containers should be transported in a rigid, non-porous, secondary containment (such as a 44-gallon plastic brute container) that islabeled with “BIOHAZARDOUS” with the international biohazard symbol visible from all lateral directions. PGII containers do not require secondary containment


  • Pharmaceutical: Any prescription or over-the-counter human or veterinary drug
  • Must be segregated from other wastes in an EXR approved rigid container that is labeled “PHARMACEUTICAL WASTE FOR INCINERATION ONLY”
  • May not be put down drain or trash
  • DEA scheduled drugs must be handled separately and cannot be included in typical pharmaceutical waste


  • Defined as: Waste contaminated through contact with, or having previously contained chemotherapeutic agents including but not limited to gloves, disposable gowns, towels, empty intravenous solution bags and attached tubing
  • Must be segregated from other wastes in a rigid plastic chemotherapy waste container or in a yellow chemotherapy bag within secondary containment. All containers and bags must be labeled with “CHEMOTHERAPY WASTE FOR INCINERATION”


  • Scrap (dry or non-contact) amalgam and amalgam particles or empty amalgam capsules
  • Contact Amalgam including: extracted teeth, sludge from chair side traps, disposable traps, pump filter canisters, and sludge fromamalgam separator wastewater treatment units
  • Must be placed in airtight container labeled with purple “UNIVERSAL WASTE” label that is properly filled out
  • Amalgam waste and filters may not be rinsed down the drain, thrown in the trash, or put into sharps containers or red bags.


  • Spent photographic solutions
  • Must be in DOT approved container containing a green “EXCLUDED RECYCLABLE MATERIAL” label that is properly filled out
  • Los Angeles County requires separate containers for fixer and developer


  • Vapo Steril or Gluteraldehyde based solutions used for instrument sterilization
  • Must be in a DOT approved container labeled with a yellow “HAZARDOUS WASTE” label that is properly filled out


  • Call for containment, storage, and labeling requirements


  • Defined as:
    • Any item that contains liquid or semi-liquid blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM)
    • Contaminated items that would release blood or OPIM if compressed
    • Items with dried blood or OPIM
    • Any human tissues
  •  Red plastic bags of a specified thickness that will be leak and tear resistant that is labeled with the international biohazard symbol and the word “BIOHAZARDOUS”
  • Must be in rigid, non-porous, secondary containment (such as a 44-gallon plastic brute container
  • Each bag must be tied with a “goose-neck” closure done by gathering and twisting the bag and securing it with a knot or tie
  • Bags must be tied prior to transportation to prevent expulsion of contents and may not be overfilled


  • Pathology: Human or animal body parts, organs, tissues and surgical specimens (any formaldehyde, formalin, or preservative must be drained off of all tissues and handled as a separate waste stream)
  • Must in a red bag and in secondary containment that is labeled “PATHOLOGY WASTE FOR INCINERATION”
  • Bag must be tied with “goose-neck” closure to prevent expulsion of contents prior to transportation


  • Radioactive materials
  • Complete human remains
  • Untreated category A Infectious Substances
  • Mercury containing devices (mercury thermometers, sphygmomanometers, lab or other medical devices)
  • DEA scheduled drugs
  • Acutely hazardous wastes

Accumulation Requirements

  • Red bag waste under 20 pounds a month: 30 days from start of accumulation
  • Red Bag waste over 20 pounds a month: 7 days from the start of accumulation
  • Any red bag with an odor that is considered a nuisance must be disposed of immediately
  • Sharps waste: 30 days from being closed (must be closed with ¾ mark reached)
  • Pharmaceuticals, Fixer/developer, amalgam, sterilizing solutions: 365 from start of accumulation or 90 days from point container is full whichever is sooner.


  • Use Universal Precautions (assume all blood and bodily fluid is known to be infectious for a bloodborne pathogens such as Hepatitis or HIV)
  • Have exposure control plan
  • Minimize employee exposure with work practice controls and use of personal protective equipment
  • Contaminated materials should be disposed of immediately in appropriate containers with proper color and labeling.
  • The hepatitis B vaccination series must be made available at no cost to all employees with occupational exposure within 10 days of employment
  • All employees with potential occupational exposure should be trained with a minimum of explanation of the bloodborne pathogens standard, examples of proper labels and containers, description of bloodborne disease, explanation of modes of transmission, explanation of the exposure control plan, methods to reduce exposure, and procedure to follow if exposure incident occurs
  • Following an exposure incident a confidential medical evaluation must be made available at no cost to the employee
  • Maintain sharps injury log of any percutaneous injuries from contaminated sharps


Thomas Abercrombie
eWaste Disposal, Inc
Orange County Location:
1048 Irvine Blvd #1069
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Los Angeles Location:
13037 Lakeland Road, Suite F
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

Ph: 949-466-8857

EPA #CAL000310168, Calif DVBE #46015
DTSC Hazardous Waste Transporter #5948
NPI #1952744674
Public Works Contractor #1000012499
NAICS Code #811310